ARTICLE 52: President Of India
ARTICLE 52: President Of India
Article 52 of the Indian Constitution states that there shall be a President of India and as per Article
53, all the executive powers of the Union shall be executed by him or her
either directly or through officers subordinates to him.
26 November 1949, the Constitution of India
was adopted and came into force on 26 January 1950.
President of India: Election and Powers
In the
Constitution Part V (The Union) under Chapter, I (The Executive) details of qualifications, election, and impeachment of the President of
India are given. That is Articles from 52 to 78 in Part V of the Constitution
deals with the Union Executive. The President of India is also the head of the
executive, legislature, and judiciary of the country.
The President holds office for a tenure of
five years from the date on which he enters his office. However, he can resign
from his office at any time by addressing the resignation letter to the
Vice-President. Further, he can also be removed from the office before the
completion of his term by the process of impeachment. The President can hold
office beyond his term of five years until his successor assumes charge. He is
also eligible for re-election to that office.
The Electoral College
elects the President of India, which includes the elected members of both
the Houses of Parliament, the elected members of the legislative assemblies of
the states and the elected members of the legislative assemblies of the Union
Territories of Delhi and Puducherry and the representation of its members is
preferential. Their vote is single transferable and their second choice is
counted too. Do you know that no law can be imposed in India without the
President's signature?
Powers of Indian President can be broadly classified under 8
headings. They are :
Legislative 5. Diplomatic Powers
Executive or
Appointment powers 6. Military Powers
Judicial powers 7. Pardoning Powers
Financial powers 8. Emergency Powers
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